"Purchased a Leadtek 6600GT video card from NewEgg last Jan 05. Ran good or 6 months and died. Called Leadtek trying to get repair service and even offered to pay for repair. But being military and stationed in Korea, they told me they would not help me. They lost a customer. For life!!!!"

Detailed Ratings

Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is consumer focused
Is committed to quality products and services
Is easy to do business with
Is trustworthy
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall technical support
Making decisions on their own
Resolving problems
Being easy to reach
Overall customer service
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being easy to reach
Customer service being knowledgeable
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
Overall web site
Speed of web site
Web site reliability
Web site being easy to use
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Merchant Member

"Would like to say thanks a million to Eli Estephan at NewEgg. I've made several purchases via e-mail through NewEgg over the past two years. I'm stationed in Korea, and all my purchases have arrived quickly, exactly what I ordered, and everything has worked. I purchased a Acer Ferrari 3200 lap top computer last Jun. Unfortunately, my daughter spilled Coke on the kep pad and several buttons quit working. I e-mailed Acer several times and they never sent me a reply. The local Korean repair shops don't service Acer products. So I sent an e-mail to NewEgg. Eli was kind enough to research Acer's number's and sent me a state side phone number to contact Acer. One call and $13, and I had a new key pad shipped to me. Bottom Line: The reason I keep going back to NewEgg is the prices and their fantastic service. Thanks NewEgg, and thanks Eli for the superb customer service. Your company has a dedicated customer. Best wishes. Lloyd Fox Fire Chief Daegu AB, ROK"

Detailed Ratings

Overall quality of the company
Pricing of products and services
Value the company offers
Is easy to do business with
Is trustworthy
Is committed to quality products and services
Is consumer focused
Likelihood of customers making future purchases
Likelihood of customer recommendations
Variety of brands and products offered
Overall quality of ordering process
Ability to determine if a product was in-stock real time
Ease of checking order status
Ease of ordering online
Overall product shipping and delivery process
Being updated on the exact date the delivery was sent
Delivering products on-time
Delivering products damage free
Ease of checking delivery status
Overall customer service
Customer service being knowledgeable
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service being easy to reach
Overall web site
Web site reliability
Speed of web site
Web site being easy to use
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